Monday 1 April 2013


  •  Make sure you drink a lot of water so your skin won't look dry.
  • You may be able to improve your skin by taking care of your body such as with good hygiene, nutrition and exercise. Practice good hygiene such as taking showers with mild soap to reduce microbe count on skin. Occasionally use a strong bar soap strong enough the get rid of most microbes and rinse off soap well. Use exercise such as walking to reduce cellulite and improve muscle tone.
  • Vitamins are essential for healthy skin, especially vitamins A, B,and C. Vitamin E helps to improve the complexion when applied externally.
  • Use homemade masks to moisturize your skin. They're easy to make, and they really work! For instance, a mixture of grapes, lemon and egg white is very helpful for oily skin and honey promotes the healing of ulcers and burns. Fresh herbs grounded into a paste and applied to problem skin may also help reduce skin problems.
  • Avoid touching your skin with high force or avoid scratching your skin as much as possible.
  • Change the applicators and clean the brushes you use to apply make-up on a consistent basis. Bacteria and oils can build up in these places and then be spread back on the skin each time make-up is applied.
  • If your skin gets a little stressed though e.g. due to plenty of sun, try Aloe Vera Gel with at least 90% pure aloe barbadensis leaf juice in it. Aloe vera is known for healing properties and can do wonders for the skin.
  • Oil blotting sheets can help absorb oil through the day so you are not tempted to re-apply powder or foundation, or overwash your face.
  • Never coat your entire face in foundation. Chances are, you only need a little bit in areas you are most self-conscious in.
  • Washing your face with a mixture of brown sugar and a few drops of milk (enough to form a mud-like consistency) washes away dirt and excess oil, leaving your skin feeling smooth and refreshed. This scrub can be left on your face for as long as you like.
  • Wash all cosmetics off as soon as you know you will not be going out again and avoid wearing cosmetics whenever possible to give your skin a rest.
  • Avoid stretching or pulling on the delicate skin near your eyes when putting on creams or cosmetics. This delicate area shows age markings like wrinkles much sooner than it should when subjected to too much rough handling.
  • Never pick at a blemish. Many poor results come of picking at breakouts, such as scarring, infection, or permanent enlargement of the pore. You are also more likely to get another breakout in the same place over time.
  • Carefully choose your facial scrub to match your pore size. The type and size of the grains in the face scrub can actually make the difference between exfoliated and irritated skin. Larger grains are more abrasive while tinier beads are more gentle.
  • Wash your pillowcase often and avoid wearing hair products to bed. The combination of hair products and facial oils on the pillowcase can cause blemishes.
  • If you're sunburned, apply some plain yogurt mixed with aloe vera gel on your skin. That will smooth the irritated skin.
  • Clean your cellphone and any other device that may come in contact with your skin.
  • Lemon juice works well for reducing scars and making them lighter.


  • Toner can dry out skin if used too often.
  • Use caution when using any product containing acids or peroxides such as acne creams and fade creams. These increase the skins' sensitivity to sun and may cause redness and peeling.
  • Choose a sunblock specifically meant for your face as some sunblocks can cause breakouts on some skin types.
  • Over washing skin can make it red and sore. It can also damage the skin.
  • Never allow anyone to 'pop' or otherwise break open a blemish. This is a very unsafe practice as bacteria and germs can enter through the broken skin. And if you do 'pop' a blemish add alcohol to reduce the chance of infection.

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