Saturday 13 April 2013


Folliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicles. It can be caused by an infection in the hair follicles, by chemical irritation or by physical irritation (for example, shaving or friction from clothing). Typical body sites that are involved in folliculitis include the face, thighs, and scalp.
Folliculitis is more common in people who have diabetes. It also is more common in people who are obese or have compromised immune systems.
What Are the Symptoms of Folliculitis?
The main lesion in folliculitis is a papule or pustule with a central hair. The hair shaft in the middle of the lesion may not be seen.
Other signs and symptoms include:
  • Multiple red pimples and/or pustules on hair-bearing areas of the body
  • Itching skin

How Is Folliculitis Treated?
Topical antibiotics, oral antibiotics, or antifungal drugs may be used to treat infections associated with folliculitis, depending on the underlying cause. Treatment also involves preventing further damage to the hair follicles. Steps that can help achieve this goal include:
  • Minimizing friction from clothing
  • Not shaving in the affected area, if possible. If shaving is necessary, use a clean new razor blade or an electric razor each time.
  • Keeping the area clean

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