Friday 15 March 2013


The bad odors in the breath originate from the product breakdown and gas production by many bacteria that exist in the mouth and nearby areas. The condition is mainly facilitated by dry mouth , poor oral hygiene and certain food habits. Apart from the bad odors generated by the bacteria in the mouth, certain other systemic illnesses can give rise to a bad breath as well. Some of these illnesses are chronic liver disease , respiratory diseases, cancers...etc. Bad breath will be transient in most of the instances but a fair percentage of people will suffer from a more chronic form of halitosis. Therefore, in order to prevent andrelieve these persons from embarrassing social engagements that will result in backwardness as well as social isolation, following measure can be adopted and practiced with dedication. Brush your teeth at least twice a day or preferably after each meal. Flossing between the teeth at least once a day. Clean your tongue gently daily including theback end of it where food particles can be lodged. Hydrate your self adequately thus preventing the mouth from getting dry. Chewing gum has shown promise in preventing the mouth from getting dry by increasing the secreted saliva and therefore reducing the bad breath associated with dry mouth . Use of a mouth wash or a rinse has proven to be beneficial in people who are suffering from long term halitosis. The liquids of this nature can act on the bacteria as an antibacterial agent or on the odor it self as a short acting agent. Applying a tinge of baking soda or using toothpaste with small amount of baking soda has shown to be making a less hospitable environment for the bacteria and therefore reduce the malodor created by them. See a dentist at least once a year to have a thorough cleaning of the mouth and an assessment on existing conditions needing treatment. Treat any underlying conditions that can give rise to a bad breath. You may need to seek medical support in further investigating the condition. Apart from the above measures that can beimplemented in order to avoid such a bad experience of bad breath, reducing your weight, alcohol consumption, smoking as well as limiting the intake of certain foods such as cheese, meats, fish, onions and garlic, would help in reducing the intensity of the odor as well as the duration.

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